Digitally transform the entire partner ecosystem

Digital ecosystem for channel partners

Digital and social presence

Auto create brand compliant Google My Business and Facebook pages for every channel partner and enable them to turn high intent local searches into leads. Apart from boosting discoverability and increasing the in-store visits and phone calls, having a digital and social presence also allows customers to provide ratings and reviews, and build credibility for the store.
Digital presence creation for channel partners
Online reputation management for channel partners

Online reputation management 

ML-powered Hyperlocal platform automates the entire reputation management for your partners with ease. Always-on social listening and centralized assimilation of customer reviews and ratings from every partner’s digital business profiles and pages. Continuous sentiment analysis to identify trends and inform brand and business strategy. Automated messaging for streamlined and quick responses leading to improved customer relations. 

Partner microsite 

Provide every channel partner with a branded, search-optimized landing page that guides the audience through a personalized customer journey unique to a specific location - from the moment they land on the website to the moment they step into the brick and mortar store. 
Partner microsite creation at scale
Co-op gamification for brands and Channel partners

Co-op gamification 

Introduce gamified sales incentives for better program adoption and efficient lead to sale conversion along with long-lasting engagement and loyalty. 
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